We Can Do It!

We Can Do It!

This is about Rosie. She’s a 4C, one of the final iterations of the design before Hobart went to the now-familiar K4 silhouette and internal architecture. We got this one cheap on eBay, and it came with the glass “beehive” bowl and combo beater/whisk. (The 4C did not support a flat beater or dough hook.) Just getting one with a glass bowl is quite a coup. She arrived in pretty sad shape; lots of ancient batter residue caked here and there, flour dust in the motor compartment, prehistoric grease, paint in rough condition.

I did a complete disassembly and cleaning, as well as replacing the power cord and plug. The estimable Kerri Hicks did the paint work and decoration.

It turned out great!

The dent on the motor cover occurred during transit (I have Many Thoughts about how to pack these things for shipping), and the 3D-printed unicorn horn is a perfect finishing touch.