Keep The Spring In Your Spring

Keep The Spring In Your Spring

Do you have a “bowl-lift” mixer, like a K5, KSM5, or any of the “Professional” series? Here’s a tip: when you’re not using the mixer, let the bowl rest gently on the bowl spring — don’t snap it in. (You can also store the bowl separately from the mixer, if you have the space.)

This lets the spring stay relaxed when not in use, which in turn maintains its shape and helps it grip better.

Are you finding that the bowl pops out of the lift, especially when you’re making a heavy dough? It’s probably time to replace the spring.

The KitchenAid part number for K5/KSM5 is WP3182857 and it costs about US$5. (Note: if you have a Hobart-era K5SS, this part will not fit. You could modify it by grinding off the top above the screw holes..)

For the Pro Line, the part number is WPW10504114 and the cost is about the same, although these seem to be harder to find. If you can’t find it, KitchenAid factory support may be able to help: +1 (855) 845-9684 in the US.